3 – 5-year-old Kindergarten
The 3–5-year-old Kindy Curriculumis a play-based learning environment which evolves from the interest and aspirations that is generated through involvement, enjoyment, discussion, the physical and social environment, play and parent participation. Our resources are open-ended and culturally inclusive to facilitate learning. It has a strong theoretical background, is flexible and responsive to the spontaneous and emerging interests and needs of children and serve to seize key teachable moments.
All children are unique and individual, as are their abilities. We value a strong emphasis on teaching children self-help skills, expectations, and empathy. Expectations allow for a learning environment which focuses on respect, compassion and children having a voice where they become confident, resilient individuals ready for their formal education at school
Teacher’s set realistic and appropriate, yet challenging goals and opportunities for children to develop life skills and structure to become school ready in a nurturing, stimulating and social environment. Self-help skills is school readiness and is an important aspect of the curriculum on a day-to-day basis. Children’s social and emotional skills is what helps children to cope with difficulties they are faced with, whether at kindergarten or within the wider community. Children who have developed their social and emotional skills have a better understanding about themselves, the world around them, and the feelings of others. Children develop an enhanced sense of self-worth, identity, confidence, and enjoyment, and with guidance from their teachers within a stable, safe environment, supports the development of self-control and self-esteem. Structure translates to safety. Children are more likely to thrive and experience personal growth when their routines are familiar and consistent. Clear structure and expectations provide consistency, limits and boundaries and helps children know how to act and feel.
The Kindy curriculum offers two Group Times, providing rich opportunities for making children’s competence visible and for celebrating efforts and achievements together. Teachers incorporate visuals, timers, learning tools and teaching strategies to meet all children’s learning for an inclusive kindergarten program.
Children fill their every day with enjoyment and learning throughout a variety independent and small group activities. Children experience the joy of learning through books, stories, singing and early writing experiences. Literacy and numeracy are not only incorporated at group time sessions; however, it is vital for successful learning across the entire curriculum. Children develop maths and social science skills, including cooking, and enjoy creative arts such as painting, music, and movement and drama. Sensory play includes any activity that stimulates a young child’s senses through touch, smell, taste, movement, balance, sight, and hearing.Sensory activities and experiences facilitate exploration and naturally encourage children to use scientific processes while they play, create, investigate, and explore. There is also time to join as a centre for larger events on occasion and to visit outside organisations in the wider community.
Teacher’s and Educators practice a curriculum specific to each child’s interests, needs and strengths. It is based on information and open communication from parents, observations from Teachers and Educators and current events. It emphasises the value of play and the importance of assessment in our planning. Planning is modified according to the emergent interests and needs of the children.